
Project Initiation

This page provides an overview for initiating new projects, including of the scope of delivery, project summary, services, proposed delivery timeline, and participation costs.

Participations costs

Data collection tools and analytics are provided as part of the survey system. Review how participation costs are configured and use the quote calculator to determine participation costs for your institution.

Project proposal & delivery scope

The project proposal provides an overview of the scope of delivery. You will find a project summary, details of services, research approach, participation costs and delivery timeline.

Delivery & Services Agreement

This is the participation agreement for delivery & services within the ZooWise project. This includes mutual expectations and commitments regarding survey system set-up and ongoing services.

Project Delivery Stages

The timeline for this work is estimated based on feedback and consultation through five stages of design, setup, and delivery. Estimated stage durations can be completed more promptly with your feedback through delivery and implementation.

done_all Next step:

Review Proposal and Scope of Delivery

This proposal outlines provisions for project participation, survey platform set-up & ongoing services


Project Inquiry

Representatives from interested stakeholders are invited to submit inquiries.